Post-doc à l'IPN Orsay, France.
Dear colleagues,
The nuclear theory group of IPN Orsay (France) is opening a postdoc position for two years that I will supervise. The expected starting date is October 1st 2014, but this can be slightly postponed if necessary. The position is a two years contract granted by the P2IO (Physics at the two infinites) consortium.
The scientific project is devoted to the microscopic description of fission. Part of the project will be to develop time-dependent theories able to account for both pairing and to describe quantum fluctuations in finite many-body systems.
Applications, including a scientific CV, a list of publications, a summary of research activities and two recommendation letters should be sent to lacroix@ipno.in2p3.fr. The deadline for submitting an application is March 1st, 2014.
Note that, according to the P2IO rules, the candidate should have less than 6 years research experience after PhD and should not have worked in one of the P2IO laboratory (CSNSM, IAS, IMNC, IPNO, Irfu, LAL, LLR, LPT) in the last two years.
We would appreciate if you could bring this opening to the attention of possible candidates.
Denis Lacroix