

Post-doc à Argonne (USA).

The Theory Group in the Physics Division at Argonne National Laboratory is seeking exceptional candidates for a postdoctoral position that might, contingent upon funding, begin in October 2015. We have a broad-ranging programme in modern hadron and nuclear physics.

The Group's research places strong emphasis on comparison with data from existing facilities, e.g, ATLAS at Argonne, FermiLab, JLab and RHIC; and on planning for and anticipating the output of future facilities; such as FRIB and an EIC.

At Argonne we intend that such a position provide an opportunity for post-doctoral training and experience to a person who has recently graduated; namely, graduated within approximately the last two years. (PhD in October 2012 or later.)

Information on our group and its research activities can be found at our home page. We urge those interested in this position to examine and consider seriously the information provided on these pages. The successful applicant will have research interests that complement ours.

Applicants should EMail a curriculum vitae and a clear, concise, one-page statement of research interests to:
C.D. Roberts
Physics Division
Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne, IL 60439-4843
phone: (630)252-4095
email: ANLPHYTheoryPD@gmail.com

and also arrange for three letters of reference to be EMailed to this address. All application materials should be sent in either plain text or PDF.

Complete applications received on or before Monday 1 December 2014, will receive our fullest consideration.

Argonne is an equal opportunity employer.